every1 has been bugging me to blog bout dis..
not that they are interested to read my blog..
but all they wan is to steal my pictures..
how nice..
ok~ as some of u noe.. yesterday a.k.a 14th AUGUST 2008, science and math club went KLCC~~
ok~ jz shut up and post the damn pictures so tat carmen will grab it and shut up..XD
dis is for feliii~~
GROUP PHOTO~ wats wif my legs..??? O_o
yoong pui yen's copyright - THE GEEKy SMILE =()
me - turning to ghost
the moment we've been waitin for.. HALO,KLCC!!
too bad my cam too noob, and carmen !! I TOLD U TO TAKE THE PICTURE, u end up not takin.. PADAN MUKA!
*US* fascinated with *IT*
dis proves that if a hurricane strike, ME&CARMEN&BELLE WILL DIE~~~
erm..nice expression?? XD
haha~ we fought a tiger.. teehee
for u - CARMEN
dis 2 ~~
the ghost in me
me with that samuel guy .. HE WON !! SHIT~~ I ALMOST WON.. crap la he ~~ deng
McD pay me money.. i advertise for u !!
bye~ petrosains.. C YA .. XD~~
so beautiful~ i'll jz call it a chandeliar?? =P
BTW~ today was like hari perlancaran bulan merdeka or stg similar to dat... I CANT BELIEVE THAY RELI FREE BIRDS~~ and when pengetua was hittin the ice, it reminds me of BREAK THE ICE - britney !! haha~ but britney shO sexy neh..!! haha~ and they shud have used white birds... not black birds !! lolZzz
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